Jaap's Blog

Monday, January 29, 2007


Finally, after 8 months in India I got back in December, about time to update my blog!
The last month in India it was time to travel in the North as my internship had finished and I loved India much....... =)
It was great to catch up with Thibaut again and hear that even a French can speak 'Borat'. It made a big impression on me! We travelled from Delhi, through Rajasthan, Agra and Calcutta to Assam. These first weeks were a bit too much for me, India was just too bloody much (expressed weakly) and Assam was actually a nice surprise. Spent a week here in the jungle, after which we departed to Goa for a last week in India full of parties. This was actually all I longed for at that moment......
Coming home was just great, the food was so good over x-mas, seeing friends and family again. Of course being in Europe in winter meant spending some time in the Alps, so went to France for a week to do some skiing.
And now.... let's see how long it takes before life becomes boring again and I need to travel again. For now still enjoying being back and writing my thesis, I don't know if it's a good choice yet, but my thesis' topic has to do with: .....India.....


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