Just a bit of an update on what has happened after the Rockies. I met up with Thibaut, my friend from Lund-times. It was great catching up with him and we drove from Vancouver, for a few days Vancouver island, up to Whistler. This meant the full hilarious North American experiences once again, including drive-thru-ATM's, getting stuck in a Vancouver ghetto, partying with only Asians, and some more activities such as mountain biking, hiking, bear watching and partying (yes!). Finally in Seattle I left the west coast to head for Toronto.
In Toronto I was reunited with my Lao friend Carmen, who I visited for the week. This meant once again a lot of uselessness, drinking, partying with Asians, sushi, drive thru's, North American suburbs, and loads of sightseeing. Carmen is truely a great hairdresser.
And now I just arrived in Montreal. Will catch up with some friends here as well and after about a week will head down towards the US of AAAIII! Let's see how Asian Montreal is!